Arctic Tunnel Partners
To become the growers first choice when it comes to poly tunnels, Arctic Tunnel have made contracts with the best available suppliers of steel constructions, plastics and additional equipment for poly tunnel production. Please follow the links below, to have a better look at our suppliers.

Full range supplier for agriculture and horticulture.

Plastika Kritis
One of the main suppliers of polyethylene for tunnels and green houses in the world.

XL Horticulture
One of the biggest supplier of polyethylene in Europe.

Contract production of steel parts for tunnels.

Dansk Vandingsteknik
Our supplier of irrigation accessories and drip irrigation systems.

Lows of Dundee
Our supplier of nets, textiles and ground cover.

Aase Landbruk
Our main supplier of machines for agriculture.

Littau Harvester
Harvesting machines for berries.

Arctic Tunnel

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